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Role of Background Environment in Reversion to Barbarity in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies: A Study of Sociocultural Determinants of Personality
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 3 - 19
Author(s) : Seyed Mostafa Saeedian 1 , Sussan Rahimi Bagha* 2

1 BA. English Literature, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD. English Literature, Lecturer, Tehran, Iran

Abstract :
The subsequent pages try to work on issues such as driving cultural and social forces behind the formation of self, its behavior as well as the themes of class conflict between upper-class and lower-class, and rationality opposed to irrationality that can be found in Lord of the Flies by William Golding. In this castaway fiction, Golding implicitly crafts many notions and issues together that can be discussed from different and even opposing views. The novel, for or about children, plausibly narrates regression of a group of civilized children to an organized savagery in an enthusiastic way. To put it simply, the work laments and disapproves decay of pure innocence, and ever-present evil side of humanity. Man’s potentiality for doing evil and succumb to evil-doing as well as doer, the paper argues in a psychoanalytical discussion, lies in the background environmental determinants of his or her personality. This study discusses how the inherent and built-in socio-cultural weaknesses lead seemingly innocent and civilized men into inhuman atrocity. Golding’s novel, in this regard, can be interpreted in the light of Karen Horney’s neurosis notions from her Neo-Freudian view.
Keywords :
Society, Culture, Regression, Neurosis, Psychoanalysis, Childhood