Today: Monday, 10 March 2025


A memorial to the seal of Mehr (Mithraism) in Birgan
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 153 - 166
Author(s) : Amin Ahmadi Birgani* 1

1 Undergraduate Student of History, Payame Noor University of Farsan

Abstract :
The symbols of Mitra's religion, along with the rest of the pictorial symbols based on the concept and story of the savior, once the people of Iran were the land, have been sweeping throughout history and have been diverse in the context of the symbolic and figurative history of this marvelous manifestation. . The signs and traces of this multi-thousand-year-old religion, which has been expanding globally, can be seen in places in Iran. The ceremonies of the sehr are one of the rituals in which symbolic images are used as visual language in the transmission of the concepts of this religion and its followers, and over time these images have been preserved with the same meanings in them and the subsequent centuries with changes in The same method and the broader concept have been used. The study of the seven classes of Mehri and the symbols of the symbols are the basis of the comparative study of this study. According to the documents and studies of mythology, the history of religions and ancient Persia and Avesta, these symbols are introduced from a conceptual point, and then the traces of symbolic roles King Abdul Azim Birgan has been investigated.
Keywords :
Symbols of Mehri, Mithraism, Anahita, Ayyane Mehr, Birigan Stone, Ilam