Today: Monday, 10 March 2025
The sensory knowledge & the Illuminative knowledge in Avicenna & Suhrawardi’s points of view & their relations with “the Beauty”
Volume 1, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 167 - 183
1 PHD candidate in philosophy of art at Tehranshomal Azad University
Abstract :
In the Iranian philosophy & mysticism, Aesthetical matter & the Beauty, have been the most ancient subject of studies to the prominent philosophers & mystics. For the biggest part of these philosophers, the Beauty has resulted from self- existent. But the question for them was that how could you define & conceal the Beauty? In the Islamic- Iranian world, we have met three philosophical currents. The first current that Avicenna was its founder, named Peripatetic school, which has formed by Aristotle’s deductive & experimental teaching. The second has known as Illuminationism & the third one, is referred to Isfahan school which has known as transcendental wisdom & Mollasadra is the the philosophical premier of that school. This article is going to study the Avicenna and Suhrawardi’s points of view about the Beauty, and then survey their relation with the sensory knowledge and Illuminative knowledge.
In the Iranian philosophy & mysticism, Aesthetical matter & the Beauty, have been the most ancient subject of studies to the prominent philosophers & mystics. For the biggest part of these philosophers, the Beauty has resulted from self- existent. But the question for them was that how could you define & conceal the Beauty? In the Islamic- Iranian world, we have met three philosophical currents. The first current that Avicenna was its founder, named Peripatetic school, which has formed by Aristotle’s deductive & experimental teaching. The second has known as Illuminationism & the third one, is referred to Isfahan school which has known as transcendental wisdom & Mollasadra is the the philosophical premier of that school. This article is going to study the Avicenna and Suhrawardi’s points of view about the Beauty, and then survey their relation with the sensory knowledge and Illuminative knowledge.
Keywords :
The Beauty, sensory kowledge, Illuminative knowledge, Suhrawardi, Avicenaa, peripatetic philosophy, Illuminationism.
The Beauty, sensory kowledge, Illuminative knowledge, Suhrawardi, Avicenaa, peripatetic philosophy, Illuminationism.