Today: Monday, 10 March 2025


Horses in the mythology of the world and Persia
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 145 - 152
Author(s) : Mohammad Taheri* 1 , Hamid Aghajani 2

1 Associate Professor of Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan-Iran

2 Assistant Professor of M.S.R.T-Iran.

Abstract :
Horse is an animal that is present in many epics and myths of different cultures of the world. From the Achilles' heel in the Iliad to the winged horse in ancient Greek mythology and the magnificent horses in Japanese and Chinese mythology. In the meantime, even Troy's famous wooden horse cannot be ignored. In the Persian epic, the horse is present not only as a mere compound for the hero, but also as an animal with a powerful and humane personality, which plays a complementary role as the hero and in many cases helps him. A large, noble and loyal creature that is also seen in the story of freedom, stability, stubbornness and pride. In Shahnameh, the most widely used symbolic animal is this horse. A significant part of the Shahnameh is about the epic stories of heroic and heroic families whose lives have been spent side by side with their horses.
Keywords :
Horse, Mythology, Culture, History, Persia, Shahnameh