Today: Monday, 10 March 2025
Review of Studies on Computer-based Feedback on Writing
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 257 - 263
1 M.A. in TEFL, Department of English Language & Literature, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Abstract :
Computer has been used in educational context to improve students’ learning. This paper presents a narrative review of studies on four computer-based applications as assistant resources for providing feedback on writing in distant learning environment: a) Word processor, b) Wiki, c) Blog, and d) MY Access. Data bases of the current survey are: Google, Google Scholars and Science Direct. Among 40 articles found, the researcher selected 28 most related studies to examine computer-based applications for providing feedback on writing. The selected studies were conducted between 1990 to 2020. Computer-based feedback on writing helps students to improve the writing skill in a collaborative and authentic environment without the need to being present in the classrooms.
Computer has been used in educational context to improve students’ learning. This paper presents a narrative review of studies on four computer-based applications as assistant resources for providing feedback on writing in distant learning environment: a) Word processor, b) Wiki, c) Blog, and d) MY Access. Data bases of the current survey are: Google, Google Scholars and Science Direct. Among 40 articles found, the researcher selected 28 most related studies to examine computer-based applications for providing feedback on writing. The selected studies were conducted between 1990 to 2020. Computer-based feedback on writing helps students to improve the writing skill in a collaborative and authentic environment without the need to being present in the classrooms.
Keywords :
Computer-based Feedback, Collaborative Writing, Peer-Peer Feedback
Computer-based Feedback, Collaborative Writing, Peer-Peer Feedback