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Biological molecular legal linguistics in the organization of children's legal cells in line with acquittal or conviction by competent judicial authorities
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2023-2024, Pages 11 - 47
Author(s) : parham Nami Fard Tehrani 1 , Ali karimi Firouzjaee* 2 , Hatam Sadeghi Ziazi 3 , Faezeh Farazandehpour 4

1 Ph.D Candidate of ( Legal Linguistics), Linguistic Department, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Science and Research (Islamic Azad University), Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Prof. of Linguistic Department, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Payam NoorUniversity, Tehran Iran (Corresponding Author)

3 Assistant Prof. of Law and Social Sciences Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant prof. of Linguistic Department, University of Science and Research (Islamic Azad University),Tehran, Iran

Abstract :
This article tries to combine the three sciences of legal linguistics, molecular biology in the framework of protecting human rights, especially children's rights, so that molecular legal linguistics biology can be practical and concrete for students of law, linguistics and biology fields. There should be an adaptation and finally the solutions for children's growth and upbringing will be formed in the channel of the above rule regarding the realization of rights and other individual and social rights of children. The theoretical framework of the research is in the form of Norman Fairclough's three levels of description, interpretation and explanation, which is implicitly hidden in the heart of the text and its layers so that it does not take on an amateurish state, and the research method is a combination of descriptive and correlational in the content, which tools Gathering information includes: observing the behaviors of law and language representation, library studies and reference bases of various sciences, which will eventually lead to such a specialization. Of course, surveys and other field studies are not effective in this field, and only independent and dependent variables have been used and explained, which are: main variable: legal linguistics along with two sub-variables which include: primary sub-variable, molecular linguistics and sub-variable The second is biolinguistics to establish correlation.
Keywords :
Biological-Molecular legal Linguistics, Children’s rights, Norman Fairclough, Law, Biology